What’s in the Attic?
I spent the weekend helping my Mom clean out her attic. She’s lived in her current house for more than 50 years—the same house my brothers and I grew up in. It holds countless memories beyond the boxes, suitcases, and milk crates that filled the attic.
It was interesting to see how much of the stuff that we moved was nostalgic and required some time to look through and how many other boxes or piles of stuff that was just “junk” or could easily be identified as “no value” or “trash.”
As smart and successful as my two brothers are, it’s safe to say none of us will ever be President of the United States, and there’s no Presidential Library curator searching for the memorabilia Mom has been holding on to.
Once the attic was empty and all the boxes were moved to the garage (or trash barrels), only a few piles remained for Mom to sort through and decide what to keep. It felt good to know we were done with that job that we had been postponing for years, not delayed for any specific reason except for maybe pure procrastination.
What’s in Your Attic?
Just like clearing Mom’s attic felt like a fresh start, perhaps it’s time to think about the ‘attic’ in your life or business. Maybe today is the perfect day to empty some of that “stuff” that has been piling up over the years on your desk, in your office, or around your business. What do you have within arm’s reach or eyesight that is nothing more than a distraction to your goals and dreams?
With the technology available today, there isn’t much that needs to be saved beyond a flash drive and a DropBox file.
It’s a new year with so many possibilities ahead. Don’t procrastinate clearing some of the clutter and free up the opportunities that are right in front of you.
The activities and successes you achieve this year will become the memories you’ll someday store in a box for future reflection.