Inspiration, move me brightly. Light the song with sense and color, hold away my despair
Terrapin Station; Jerry Garcia & Robert Hunter
More than this I will not ask; Faced with mysteries dark and vast, statements just seem vain at last.
Some rise…
Some fall…
Some climb…to get to Terrapin.
What inspires you? Who inspires you?
Is there a place you go to when you need a dose of inspiration?
For some, it might be reading the Bible, a biography, or a book of poetry.
Others turn to music. Athletes have been known to listen to rock or rap to get their blood pumping before a big game or match, while some scholars suggest Baroque music can help get your mind into a state of “flow.”
Maybe you turn to a favorite movie that’s sure to give you energy and motivation. Rocky? Remember the Titans? Chariots of Fire? Or my favorite, The Shawshank Redemption.
“Either get busy living or get busy dying.”
Some find it in exercise, quiet meditation, positive words of affirmation, or prayer.
Maybe it’s a conversation with a loved one – a spouse, a parent, an old coach or mentor you can call when doubt or anxiety start to creep in.
What are you putting in your head? Are the podcasts you’re listening to and webinars you’re watching helping pick you up and push you forward or do you listen to news and other voices that pull you down or hold you back?
It could be as simple as a billboard or a bumper sticker you see while driving through town.
For me, I was inspired by something I saw this weekend while boarding a plane. It was a message on the back of a fellow traveler’s t-shirt and it made me smile.
This simple checklist seems like a solid guide for us all to follow this week.
Oh yeah, and don’t forget to add “build relationships, solve problems, and have fun,” too