September 9th is International Sudoku Day. Sudoku is a logic-based number puzzle that involves filling a 9 by 9 grid with the numbers 1–9, with the goal of ensuring that each row, column, and 3 by 3 box contains every number exactly once.

Some people love playing these puzzles while other people find it very confusing and difficult. What words are to crossword puzzles, numbers are to sudoku puzzles. You’re probably someone who loves working with numbers if you like sudoku.

Real estate is, first and foremost, a relationship business. Who you know…and who knows you is one of the old axioms many new agents will hear when they get started in the business. Yet no matter how much Realtors love working with people, they are going to need to understand that it’s also a numbers game at times too.

List prices, calculating absorbtion rates, studying neighborhood stats to choose the best farming opportunities, and calcuating a Sellers net proceeds sheet are just some of the times when numbers come into play. Addresses, phone numbers, and lockbox combinations. And let’s be honest…is there a Realtor out there that can’t quickly determine what their commission might be on a new sale quicker than Rain Man can count toothpicks on the floor?

Days on the market?

Appreciation rates?

Square footage?

Escalation clauses?

Interest rates?

Take your time, double check your work, use technology or other tools if it helps, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

On this International Sudoku Day, just remember that the numbers need to work.

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