“Don’t talk to strangers” is an axiom everyone has heard in their life.
If you’re a parent, you’ve said it over and over again to your kids.
While I agree with the meaning behind the phrase, and am certain it makes sense for little kids, I wholeheartedly disagree with that instruction for anyone who is in a sales business like real estate.
I was tailgating outside of Davis Wade Stadium this past Saturday in Starkville, Mississippi with my son and daughter. Ryan is a senior at MSU and will be graduating in December so my daughter Riley and I flew down for the Florida – Mississippi State game. We made sure to take the obligatory photos outside the stadium before heading to our location for the pre-game tailgate.
As we headed to the tent, I stopped to admire some stickers on one of the cars parked nearby. It wasn’t Bulldog stickers or even Gator stickers that caught my eye. It was just a hand and a circle with a lightning bolt.

Most people wouldn’t even notice…but I did.
I knew right away that we were tailgating next to Dead Heads. Whoever owned this car was a Grateful Dead fan. It didn’t take me long to meet them because Cathy from Jackson, Mississippi walked up to get something out of her car, saw me snapping the photos, and asked if she could help me with something.
“Just a fellow Dead Head,” I said. I was texting my friend to tell him “You know you’re tailgating in the right spot when this is right next to you.”
Cathy and I became fast friends and compared notes on both our college football interests but also our concert history of Grateful Dead (and Dead & Co.) shows. Her Southern hospitality shined through when she invited me to come get a plate of food and a cocktail from their amazing spread of food. I promised her I would as soon as I went to check in with my kids.
“Bring them over too,” said Cathy. “We’ve got plenty.”
I walked over to where we had posted up for some morning beverages and conversation and told my kids to “follow me.”
“Where are we going,” my daughter asked.
“I met the people at the tailgate next door and they invited us over for some food.”
“Dad, you can’t just randomly go to someone’s tailgate,” said my son, somewhat embarrassed that I spoke to a random stranger.
“No, it’s okay. I saw their Grateful Dead stickers on their car and started a conversation with them. It’s cool, I promise.”
Both kids just shook their heads at my “never met a stranger” approach to life but upon some subtle encouragement, I got my daughter Riley to join me.
After some more small talk with Cathy and her husband about various concerts we have each attended in the past, Riley and I filled our plates with some Southern goodness like pulled pork & queso nachos, cheese grits casserole, pancake and sausage sliders, bacon-wrapped cocktail weiners, and the obligatory Chick-Fil-A chicken sliders.
When we returned to our tailgates with overflowing plates, Ryan and his girlfriend’s eyes grew wide and they suddenly realized that I made a great connection. They immediately followed our path and filled their own plates too.
After enjoying the food, I spent some time chatting with Cathy and her husband, Scott about our recent visit to Las Vegas to take in a show at The Sphere, as well as other memories of past shows. We also talked about sports, family, and life in general.
As we were nearing kickoff, I went over to thank Cathy and Scott and let them know that I had a few extra tickets to the game if anyone needed them.
“I’d be happy to “Miracle” the tickets to someone in exchange for your hospitality.” (“Miracle tickets” are a Grateful Dead phenomenon whereby someone gives a ticket away for free to a fan in need).
“We are good,” said Cathy, “but thanks for the offer.”
Ten minutes before we started walking in, Scott approached me and asked if I still had the extra tickets. Turns out one of his friends needed two tickets.
After a few clicks on my phone, the tickets were sent to this total stranger. It was a virtual exchange for some good tailgate food and good karma.
Maybe it was just the right place at the right time.
It was a great morning with family, and with friends…and with total strangers who became friends.
Just a reminder that building relationships, solving problems, and having fun is a pretty good strategy.
Who are you going to talk to this week? You never know where your next conversation might lead.