He was a founding father of the United States of America.
He signed the Declaration of Independence.
He was a scientist, an inventor, an author, and the first Postmaster General.
Ben Franklin was a pretty important person in American History. You can’t read anything about the “founding of America” without Ben Franklin’s name being mentioned. Born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1706, Franklin died on this date 233 years ago (April 17th, 1790).
To try and get an understanding of everything Franklin did, contributions to his Wikipedia page use over 15,000 words. Director Ken Burns created a 230-minute, 2-part documentary. Author Walter Isaacson needed 608 pages to fill his biography titled “Benjamin Franklin: An American Life.”
What’s your story?
I think it’s safe to say that no one reading this (or certainly writing this) needs to compare themselves to easily one of the most known figures in history. How you stack up as a Realtor, lender, broker, manager, or leader versus the man whose face is on the $100 bill in US currency isn’t the issue. How you are leaving your mark is.
What do people think of you now?
How are you building a reputation?
When people see your name, do they know who you are and what you do?
Where are the best places for you to make an impact and leave a memorable impression?
What will you do this week to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun? Realistically whatever you do might not be worth adding to your Wikipedia page but it could get you that much closer to being someone worth talking about…by somebody…somewhere.
“Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.“
Benjamin Franklin
1 thought on “Will You Be Talked About Long After You’re Gone”
JIm Mulleady ·
Well said. I think I told this to you once when we met in Milwaukee; “he was good at watching TV”.