Even though the NFL playoffs began this weekend, the teams that earned spots had to win games earlier in the season.

They didn’t have to win every game during the season. They just had to win more than the teams in their division or enough to earn a wild card spot.

They also had to attend practice sessions and overcome bad days along the way. They had to listen to coaches and watch game film, so they could become better.

They needed to feed off the encouragement and support from their fans but they couldn’t get too confident reading their press clippings or listening to other people tell them how great they were. It would be bad if they thought they didn’t need to work hard every day.

Playing for the Playoffs

Seems to me that if we want to put ourselves in the best position to have a chance to win big later in the year, there are lots of little things we could be doing now.

I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.

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