Anticipation can be a good thing.
Looking forward to what might be coming can create excitement.
We count down the days saying things like “one month from today,” “this time next week,” or “seven more sleeps until…“
Sometimes the actual thing you were waiting for doesn’t live up to your expectations while other times, it was everything you had been hoping for.
What was the last thing that filled you with anticipation? Was it a holiday? An event? Concert? Meeting with someone special? A long-awaited vacation?
Maybe it was the beginning of something or it could have been the end of something.
Just remember, once it’s happened, you’ll need to set your focus on the next big thing.
There will be more relationships to build, more problems to solve, and certainly more fun to be had in the days ahead.
I’m looking forward to it.
Are you?
There’s something good waitin’ down this road.
“Running Down a Dream” – Tom Petty
I’m pickin’ up whatever is mine.