You can pretend to care,
but you can’t pretend to show up
George L. Bell
If you’re ever holding an open house where only a few visitors walk through the front door, greet them with enthusiasm, answer their questions, make sure they see and hear your market knowledge, and thank them for coming.
Hosting a client appreciation event and not everyone on your guest list showed up? That’s okay, focus on the people that are there and don’t worry about the ones that aren’t.
Making phone calls yet getting more answering machines than answers? Treat the answering machine voice the same way you do the real voices that say, “hello!” Let them feel your excitement to connect with them.
Spend more time delivering the information for the meeting or class to the attendees instead of thinking about how you could package the information to be hand-delivered to the people who didn’t think it was important enough to be there.
Spending time with a loved one? Listen. Smile. Laugh. Show empathy. Be human.
Having a conversation with someone face-to-face? Stop looking at your phone.
Attending a class or webinar? Put away distractions and remember why you even signed up for the class in the first place. Try to learn something.
Teaching a class or webinar? It doesn’t matter if there are 4 people, 400, or 4,000. Speak to them as if you were speaking only to them.
They showed up.
You should too.