I just found out that the first week of August is “National Simplify Your Life” Week. While it seems like every week should be focused on making life easier, I like the idea that these next seven days are designated as the time to clean out the physical and psychological clutter.
As I sit here looking ahead to a pretty full schedule which includes coaching sessions, speaking events, client meetings, plenty of phone calls, some family obligations, and hopefully a little golf, here are a few ways I might be able to simplify my week.
- Choose a positive attitude each day.
- Follow my calendar.
Take…Make time to exercise.- Drink more water.
- Feed my brain with good podcasts.
- Enjoy moments of quiet.
- Talk less.
- Listen more.
- Find reasons to laugh.
- Smile more.
- Have gratitude.
- Say “please” and “thank you”
- Use people’s names when talking to them.
- Treat people with kindness and respect.
- Go to sleep a little earlier each night.
- Turn my phone off 15-30 minutes before I go to bed.
- Build relationships, solve problems, and have fun.
Wow! After writing it all down, it sounds like a busy week. Perhaps I should remember…
Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated.