It seems like Spring may never arrive in the Midwest and it’s causing some people to lose their sh*t! A long winter is one thing but when the cold weather, high winds, and sleet and snow keep showing up, it can add a little anxiety and stress to your world.
Of course, sleet, snow, and cold weather aren’t affecting everyone around the country. There are plenty of people that live in warmer climates and the biggest bother when it comes to weather is how much sunblock to apply.
Regardless of what part of the country you’re in, you are probably dealing with plenty of buyers looking at not enough houses for sale. Multiple offers, appraisal gaps (or waivers), and inspections for informational purposes only are becoming a regular part of every conversation. Not that you can’t win offers without them, but your odds are definitely decreased which can cause some serious stress for both the clients and the agents.
Showing houses here. Writing offers there. Leaving messages for listing agents that go unanswered while trying to manage your client’s emotions and expectations at the same time you’re trying simply to keep from snapping yourself.
Serenity Now
Is a statement many of us have heard before but now would be a perfect time to remind ourselves of the “Serenity Prayer.”
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Another great saying for our current challenges might be “we can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we react to what happens around us.”
What Can You Do?
~ Have honest conversations with your clients before you start the process and all along the way. You can’t exceed your client’s expectations unless you know what their expectations are.
~ Take a few deep breaths each day.
~ Meditate to get your mind right.
~ Have someone in your life with whom you can share your frustrations and anxiety. Sometimes you just need someone to unload your worries to and have them tell you you’re okay.
~ Smile and express gratitude each day.
~ Find a reason to laugh.
~ Just keep looking up. As Orphan Annie once sang, “The sun will come out tomorrow.” Warmer weather is coming.
Get out there and build relationships, solve problems and have fun.