I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
Robert Brault
We all need good friends that we can count on. In good times or bad, we need people that we know will be there. Friends that will make you laugh and friends that will allow you to be vulnerable and cry when you need to cry.
Good friends will make time for you when you’re visiting their town and they will reach out to you when they are visiting your town. Good friends make introductions they know will help you and the person they are introducing (win/win). Good friends will give you business advice when you ask for it…and if it’s wise advice, they will give it to you even when you didn’t ask for it.
Who are you thinking of right now? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Who is your go-to connection for business advice? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Who is your friend that is a great listener? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Who is your friend that won’t BS you? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Who is your friend that will listen to your BS and not judge you? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Who is that person in your life that would meet you in the middle of the night when you needed a friend? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Do you have someone that can make you laugh? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Do you have someone that will laugh with you? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Who’s your “let’s grab a beer” person? __________ (Fill in the blank)
Luckily, I’ve got lots of people like that in my life. As I travel the country for business or pleasure, I try to connect with these people whenever I can. It helps remind you of the power of building relationships, solving problems, and having fun.
Today, I got to spend the afternoon with one of my __________ (Fill in the blank) people. It was a fun afternoon in Birmingham, Alabama, visiting some local breweries and catching up on family, business, and life. It just so happens, his surname is Blank.
Thanks, Pete, for being one of my __________ (Fill in the blank) people.