You hear people say it all the time. “It’s time to get back to the basics.”

I’ve always questioned that statement because if the basics work so well, why would you ever need to get “back” to them? Shouldn’t we just be doing the “basics” all the time?

Sometimes people think the basics are too “old school.” Who wants to be stuck doing the things everyone else does? Who wants to simply follow the template of others?

Are you sometimes distracted looking for a new way to get business, a secret system that could mean more opportunities, or maybe the proverbial “silver bullet” to success?

School Is In Session

It turns out that the same old-school techniques that have worked for years still work today. How many of these tried and true methods do you do each week?

  • Are you active in your local community?
  • Do you stay engaged in your church, synagogue, or house of worship?
  • How well do you know the neighbors in your neighborhood?
  • Have you been involved in your local charity organizations or events?
  • Could you help out at your kid’s or grandkid’s school?
  • Are you a member of a local country club or other social organization?
  • What about the local barbershop or hair salon?
  • The gym, fitness center, or local YMCA?
  • How about the neighborhood pub or restaurant? You know…the one where “everybody knows your name?”

Maybe this is the week we all go back to school; The old-school ways of building relationships, solving problems, and having fun.

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