It’s one of those holidays that comes around every year but many of us don’t really plan for it the way some will for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Heck, some will plan for weeks for the perfect Halloween costume. Sure, we can all find something red, white, and blue in our wardrobe or run to Old Navy for this year’s trendy t-shirt, but other than planning for morning parades, afternoon cookouts, or evening fireworks, there really isn’t too much to plan, is there?
It’s pretty much…show up, eat up, drink up, and look up!
But there really is a lot to learn from the fireworks on the 4th of July, so here’s a quick outline…
- You’ve got to know why you do what you do each day. The 4th of July is called “Independence Day.” It’s a pretty important day in our Nation’s history. Do you know what you are showing up for every day?
2. Being loud could scare people. Raising your voice just to be heard doesn’t mean anyone will listen to you. Don’t be that person who talks such a big game that no one wants to listen to what you’re saying.
3. In a sea of darkness, brightness helps. What can you do to stand out from the competition? Never forget that there are now more than 1.5 million Realtors in the United States. What’s gonna make you shine a little more than the 3 or 4 other Realtors every one of your sphere of influence knows?
4. Get above the crowd. When the fireworks launch into the air, it’s pretty clear which one most people are going to look at – the highest one. Naturally, we look at the thing that stands out and get’s “above the crowd.” What can you do to stand out in a sea of sameness?
5. Every once in a while, stop the crowd with something different. Pause the vocals. Hesitate for a split second on the response to the buyer’s or seller’s question, or simply, come at everything from a new angle. Make people pay attention when things aren’t status quo. “Something is different. Maybe we should pay attention?”
6. Everything is based on earning “ooh’s” and aah’s” from your audience. Each day we should wake up ready to deliver a truly remarkable experience to our customers, clients, and community. Some days that can be done with a smile, a simple understanding of the process, or even just remembering people’s names. Just imagine what might happen to your business is the people you interact with “ooh” and “ahh” about the experiences you’re delivering.
7. The side launch will catch ’em every time. I’ll have to admit that I wasn’t ready for it. At precisely the same moment a bunch of fireworks were being shot skyward, some random fireworks were launched from some auxiliary displays. Adding in some extra “things to looks at” like this is perfect. What is something unexpected that you can do for your clients during the transaction?
8. Who doesn’t love those fireworks that fizzle, spin, or make interesting noises? They aren’t like all the others. There are always people in the industry who are ready to stand out. All it takes is something little that catches their eye..or ear…or heart.
9. No matter how similar it seems, it’s the first time for someone. Don’t steal anyone’s thunder, don’t laugh at the silly questions, and don’t think you’ve “been there and done that.” Each person experiencing the fireworks is going through something different than everyone else in that area. Let them experience their own “ooh’s and aah’s” along the way.
I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend, whether there were fireworks or not. Now get ready for the second half of the year and make a big bang of your own building relationships, solving problems, and having fun.