How Many Miles to Go?

Do you fill up your gas tank when you get to 1/4 tank or are you like me and you try to figure how how far you can drive on fumes?

This weekend I had to get across town to get my second vaccine shot. I knew that my fuel tank had warned me I was in need of gas but the “countdown” on my dashboard convinced me I was fine. The pharmacy I was going to was 18 miles away and my car said I had 21 miles worth of gas.

As I arrived a few minutes ahead of my appointment, I had time to fill up with gas. Sure enough, when I pulled up to the pump, I had exactly the 3 miles to spare my digital readout had figured. This gives me confidence that the fuel tank is calibrated correctly and will allow me to push the limits again in the future.

Made it comfortably with 3 miles to spare

How Full Is Your Tank?

Some days it’s easy to get up early and work late while others it can be a challenge to get out of bed, pick up the phone, or “show up,” both physically and mentally. It’s important to calibrate your internal “fuel monitor” to know how much energy you have and when it’s a good time to refill. That might mean a vacation, a day off, or even just a few moments of solitude meditating or simply grabbing a cup of coffee. Sometimes you can fill your tank with a deep breath and a smile.

What fuels you? Who fuels you? How do you stay motivated, focused, and inspired to do what you need to do?

No sense in letting off the gas now. We have some momentum going this year and things are only going to start moving faster.

It’s time to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun; Three things that almost always give you the fuel your engine needs.

“Fill ‘er up!”

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