Have One, Leave One; Need One, Take One?

No, I’m not talking about a penny jar in your local convenience store. I’m talking about compliments because today is World Compliment Day.

World Compliment Day aims to address the “basic human need for recognition and appreciation.” According to the website WorldComplimentDay.info, “March 1st is just about consciously reflecting on what someone in your area does well and letting that person know he/she is sincerely appreciated for that. It should be done through words instead of gifts.”

The man behind the day is Hans Poortvliet, a Hospitality and Recognition Professional from The Netherlands. About the day, Poortvliet says,

“Nothing stimulates more, gives more energy, makes people happier and, as far as business is concerned increases productivity and commitment faster than sincere appreciation. So why not use it a little bit more?”

How cool is that? A day specifically designed to recognize other people. It could be a family member, a friend, a co-worker, a competitor. Heck, it could even be a total stranger. Admit it. The last time a total stranger complimented you about something, you felt like a million bucks, didn’t you?

You Are Awesome

Tell the barista she has an amazing smile. (Even behind a mask, you can tell when someone’s smile is genuine).

Send your manager, broker, or company owner an email and tell them how much you appreciate their leadership, vision, or the culture they have created.

“You are so funny.”

“Man, the next time I play trivia, you are coming with me because you’re so smart!”

“You are really good at what you do. Thanks for sharing your passion and enthusiasm with others.”

“It’s always fun to spend time with you.”

“I love your hand-written notes.”

“You make the best ________________________ (insert something your spouse, partner, or mother makes here).”

Even a like, comment, retweet, or share on social media is a simple way to compliment the person who posted it. You’re saying “I like what you said here and I want others to know it. Good job.

It’s #ComplimentDay

So what are you waiting on? Pay it forward today and catch someone being awesome. Today is the perfect day to make someone’s day.

Cant think of any compliments? Click here

Still at a loss for a good compliment? Here’s a hundred more.

Now get out there and build relationships, solve problems, and have fun.

You know why? And please, take this as a compliment; You’re really good at all three.

3 thoughts on “Today is the Perfect Day to Make Someone’s Day”


Sean, You start my week off right every time. Thanks. You are the best coach!


Love it – find the light and shine it upon others. You are amazing and love this post.


I love this so much! And I’m so lucky that I have surrounded myself with people like you who brighten everything around them!

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