Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

Today is former Baltimore Orioles baseball star Cal Ripken, Jr.’s 60th birthday. Ripken was a two-time American League MVP and earned the nickname “Baseball’s Iron Man” for his streak of 2362 straight games played – more than 500 more than the legendary Lou Gehrig played in for the New York Yankees almost a century ago.
Are You Ready to Play?
Showing up every day is a trait that only the most dedicated salespeople have. It requires showing up in two ways; physically being ready to tackle the day in person and also, mentally being prepared to bring your best to your customers, clients, and community each day.
Ripken didn’t just show up and go through the motions. He amassed over 3,000 hits, 400 home runs, and close to 1700 RBI’s during his legendary career. He also earned two Gold Glove Awards for his defensive skills, showing he was doing way more than just showing up and standing in the field. He was a consummate teammate and played the game with the highest levels of effort and respect.
It Takes Three C’s to Earn Trust

I’ve said it numerous times but I’ll remind you again, sales is a relationship business and as soon as you can start earning people’s trust, you have a better chance of earning repeat and referral opportunities. When people know you, like you, and trust you, you will start earning the all-important “top of mind awareness” that will cause more people to think of you when they…or someone they know, need real estate help. Just remember, the “knowing” and “liking” parts are easy but the “trusting” part is extremely difficult.
Competence and Confidence are required for people to trust you. You have to know your “stuff” and be confident in sharing, showing, and doing what is needed in your role. But the most important “C” to earning trust is Consistency. The more consistently you can show people that you are good at what you do and how you do it, the faster your trust will grow. The more trust people have in you and what you do, the easier it will be for them to think of you the next time real estate comes up.
So what are you waiting for? The coach is sure to pencil you into the starting lineup again this week. Put your cleats on and get ready to get in the game. If you keep showing up week in and week out and focus on building relationships, solving problems and having fun, you too might make the Hall of Fame someday.
Photo courtesy of wallyg
Photo courtesy of Lesly Juarez