Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

Push Away from Your Desk

MBWA is an old acronym that you learn when you take your first management position. It stands for “Management By Walking Around” and is traced back to early days with the Hewlett-Packard company and is often associated with management guru Tom Peters.

Great managers don’t become great managers by sitting in their office and simply poring over spreadsheets and signing off on paperwork and other HR requirements. They might be good managers because they check all the boxes on a corporate checklist, run a profitable office, and don’t have any customers or clients complaining about service or products…but can they ever truly be considered great managers without building a team of successful, loyal team members?

Managers who occasionally get out of their office and “walk around” amongst the employees get a better pulse on the office, the industry, and the market. Face-to-face opportunities with staff members give insights into the office/company culture, efficiency, and effectiveness of the workflow protocols and processes, and show the team that the manager is willing to get into the arena with their staff, employees, or team members.

Where will you go walking this week?

I am not a manager anymore but I am still in charge of managing my business opportunities, my schedule, and my responsibilities. I still need to find moments to get away from the business, walk around, and reset my mindset for what might happen next.

  • It might be my morning walks that are a way to get my blood flowing before doing my daily 4-H Club. I put on my AirPods and feed my brain with business updates, leadership lessons, or sports stories on the numerous podcasts I listen to each week.
  • It could be the short walks I’ve been taking with Mom since the COVID pandemic started to make sure she is getting out of the house for some fresh air and exercise.
  • The strolls around the golf course are always an opportunity to “turn off” the business inside my head and simply have some fun. I’m honestly getting better at leaving my phone turned off inside my bag and not opening my mind up to the distractions that might be waiting for me.
  • …And the evening walks after dinner with Callie and the family are a good way to unwind from a long day and get ready to unplug and recharge for tomorrow.

Push away from the desk a few times this week. Try to do it a little more than you did last week. If you’re saying to yourself that you don’t have time to go for a short, purposeful walk, you probably need that short, purposeful walk more than you know.

You just might be surprised how you’ll suddenly be able to start building relationships, solving problems, having fun…and whatever else you might find on your walk.

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