Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

Do you have your new mask laid out and ready to go? For an unknown length of time, one of the trailing aftereffects of the CoronaVirus pandemic will be for people to start wearing masks when they are out in public in order to protect themselves from contracting the COVID 19 virus as well as to prevent the unknowing passing of the virus to others. While it might not be the most comfortable addition to our new wardrobe, like breaking in a new pair of shoes, it’ll start becoming a little more comfortable in no time.

There’s an old saying that the “eyes are the windows to the soul,” but based on the last week of encountering masked-people in my town, the nose and mouth must be the front door. Seeing many people at the grocery stores wearing masks is comforting from a health standpoint but not being able to see people’s smiles or other facial expressions has made it rather…well, emotionless.

How can you show people your smile when they can’t see your smile? You’re gonna have to “show” them with your body language such as a confident, energetic walk with your shoulders back and your head held high. When you pass other people, look them in the eye. A genuine smile behind the mask will affect the cheekbones and the lines around the eyes in a positive way, showing others that you’re a human being behind that cloth over your face. Remember, just because you’re supposed to be “spatially distancing” from others, it doesn’t mean you can’t look people in the eyes.

You can also wave or gesture to others to keep spirits bright. A simple nod of the head to a driver or passenger while waiting at the red light or a wave across the street as neighbors pass you by can go a long way to making people feel like they matter. Like they aren’t invisible. After spending time alone at home, being acknowledged by someone else facing the same “quarantine conundrums” could be a spark of energy. It’ll be good for you as the giver and it’ll be a nice “gift” for the receiver.

Finally, you can always use your voice. Your mouth might be covered but that doesn’t mean that your voice doesn’t work? Say “hello,” or ask, “How are you doing?” Offer a hearty “thank you” to the grocery store employees, pharmacists, gas station attendants, and doctors, nurses, and first-responders that you might encounter. Don’t be afraid to let loose with a hearty belly laugh from behind the mask that just might make someone else smile behind theirs.

The masks won’t be here forever if we all do our parts now. The great news is when you’re sitting in your home office where no mask is required, you can still be connecting with customers, clients, co-workers, and your community. It’s the times when we aren’t hiding behind a mask that we get to be who we really are. Send your emails, write your handwritten notes, text four or five of your contacts each day to say hello or offer to help. Make sure you check in on social media. Open up your camera or webcam and hit “record” to create a video message or something to share on YouTube. Write that blog post that’s been rattling around in your head for weeks.

At the end of the week, take off the mask and ask…”Did I build relationships, solve problems and have fun?” If you can answer yes, it’s going to be a pretty healthy week for you and your business.

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