Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
This past weekend, I was in Columbia, South Carolina. I went down on Wednesday to present at the NAR Tech Edge Conference and then stayed for the weekend to watch Florida play South Carolina. It was a fun few days spending time with my daughter (a Junior at USC) and her roommates, a couple of my fraternity brothers from my days at UF, and other friends from the real estate industry.
Leading up to the weekend, the weather in South Carolina was ideal. Glorious blue skies and cooler temps had the locals excited for the arrival of fall. Driving through the bustling neighborhoods around campus on Thursday and Friday, we saw many students out enjoying the perfect October climate in the South. Frisbees were flying, bikes and scooters were rolling, and the typical college-town front porch beers were flowing. Every bar with a patio had a crowd and the energy was high for the ranked Gators to come to town as the Gamecock fans were hoping for their second straight upset of a division foe.

Checking the Forecast
The tailgate went on as scheduled and it was great to be hosted by a 30-year friend from South Carolina that I met back in our undergrad days as fellow fraternity brothers. We reminisced and recounted funny stories from our much younger years and enjoyed cold beers and good music while making new friends and memories. We also blended two generations as my daughter Riley and her roommates stopped by to mingle on their way to the game.
Heading into the week, the forecast for game day was promising. Sunshine and temps in the low 70’s sounded ideal but that all quickly changed when a large tropical storm started pushing north from Florida. Suddenly the expectations for a rainy Saturday afternoon had poncho sales booming and changed tailgate plans for many of the people attending the game.

As predicted, the rain started about 30 minutes before kickoff and once it started, it never stopped. At times, it was just a slow drizzle while other moments, it was a pretty steady downpour. Seated in the upper deck of Williams Brice Stadium, the large contingent of Gator fans weren’t going to let the rain stop us from cheering for the Orange and Blue clad visitors while the home town crowd was in full voice for their Gamecocks.
With my speaking event happening a few days prior to the game, I had to pack based on the forecast I had earlier in the week, which meant that I wasn’t prepared for the wet weather. I simply pulled on my Gator pullover and hat and stood in the rain the entire game. The metal bleachers were filled with standing water so it was better to stand up and cheer in the rain.
As the Gators pulled away in the 4th quarter for a 38-27 victory, the visiting fans cheered and chanted our favorite refrain – “It’s great…to be… a Florida Gator.” Suddenly the rain didn’t feel so bad and the time invested seemed to be worth it. We walked back to our tailgate spot, high-fiving fellow fans and skipping through the puddles with a little more enthusiasm and excitement than our foes, who just seemed to be wet, tired, and dejected.
How Will You Weather the Weather?
We all love it when the forecast is clear. Sunshine, clear skies and perfect temperatures make it easy to find your groove but when the skies turn gray and cloudy, what happens to your attitude, outlook, and activity? Can you remain focused on your goals and keep a good perspective on what is happening? A change in weather might mean a simple shift in your approach or it could simply force you to realize that things don’t always go as planned, but choosing the appropriate reaction to the situation will determine how your day goes.
Standing in the rain for a victory sure doesn’t feel as wet as when you lose, but even if the Gators would have come out on the short end of the scoreboard, I still would have had fun with my friends, fellow Florida fans, and family.
I’m just glad I was able to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun in the rain…or was it really just liquid sunshine?