Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

In real estate, the ideal client is someone who is “ready, willing, and able” to list or buy. It’s not unusual to talk to potential clients that often have two of the three characteristics but not the triumvirate that makes them the “ideal” client.
It’s never the Realtor’s job to make the client list or buy, it is simply the duty of the Realtor (i.e. the person taking on the fiduciary duty) to help control the process and let the client make the decisions.
So how can we handle the clients that demonstrate two of the three but not the necessary third characteristic that will make a real estate transaction possible? We simply must prepare, stay ready, and establish…and sometimes re-establish, expectations for our clients. When they are ready to list, perhaps a quick update of the market analysis to determine the initial price position or another walk-thru of the property with a fresh set of eyes for needed repairs or staging items to address. With potential home-buyers who have been looking for a while…or just don’t seem to be in a hurry? Stay patient and review the inventory daily, stay connected to your lender of choice to keep a finger on the pulse of the mortgage market, and always be ready to go and show…knowing that the next one just might be “the one.”
This past week, I listed a home that we have been “getting ready” to list since last fall. I also should be listing a home in the next week that I first met with the Sellers over one year ago but finally this week, all the planets aligned to announce that their life was ready for the next step and I am happy enough just to be their guide along the way. One buyer that has been “looking” for over six months is suddenly pinging on every MLS update while just this weekend another new buyer candidly told me after our first time out looking that he didn’t want to rush into anything.
I’m ready when they are ready…and I’m okay simply getting ready while the clients are not sure. Buying or selling a house is one of the biggest decisions, and certainly, one of the largest financial investments to be made so there is no need to rush the decisions. That’s all we can do. Like an airline pilot waiting for Air Traffic Control to lift a fog delay, patience and understanding are the best traits to have or gifts we can offer as professionals.
As busy as you may be today…or as slow as you might find yourself, what are you doing to be ready when your number is called? Get out to the bullpen or driving range and start warming up. When the call finally comes, will you be ready? It’s the reason why you should be building relationships, solving problems and having fun every day…because two out of three are great, but when all three occur…? That means we’re that much closer to an opportunity to make something happen.
Photo Courtesy of Angelina Litvin