Monday Morning Match is a simple post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

How are you at handling expectations? Not just your own, but others?
Are you more content with doing whatever you can to satisfy or please others, or are you focused on doing what it takes to achieve whatever it is that you’re working on? Are you aiming for group satisfaction or individual glory?
Is the next phone call for you or someone else? Is that next hand-written note being genuinely written for the recipient or just as a way to get your name in front of someone? Is your next follow up on a “lead” or to a person?
A former mentor of mine told me; “Sean, I can’t answer a customer’s prayers until I know what they are praying for.” That seems like pretty good advice to take as we look ahead to the next week.
Ask yourself this…; What is expected of you? Or, perhaps more importantly, what do you expect of yourself?
I don’t know about you but it seems like the perfect time to start building relationships, solving problems and having fun. Maybe I’m biased but that seems like a pretty good way to exceed expectations to me…