Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

I watched lots of basketball the last few weeks and I’m probably not the only one. The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament, commonly referred to as “March Madness,” has been in full swing. The games have filled our TV screens and, for most of us, our brackets were busted before the second weekend started.

One thing that’s interesting to watch as the games play out is the critical adjustments that the coaches and players make. All teams go into a game with a strategy and game plan for how they are going to handle their opponents. It’s the classic match-up of strengths versus weaknesses, trying to maximize every advantage you have over your opponents. Coaches make halftime adjustments and throughout the game, utilize their “time outs” to draw up plays, analyze individual match-ups or change their defense based on their opponent’s line-up.

Some coaches dictate their approach based on their own personnel while other coaches prefer to change or adapt based on what their opponent is doing. Does a team go “tall” or will they “play small” and rely more on tempo and pace? Is man-to-man defense the right call or is a quick switch to a 1-3-1 zone what is needed to “survive and advance”? All four of the teams that remain in the tournament have tremendous coaches that had a lot to do with advancing to Minneapolis and the Final Four. It will be interesting to watch which coach can make the best adjustments along the way to help their team cut down the nets as champions.

First Quarter Adjustments

Now that the first quarter of 2019 is in the books, what adjustments do you need to make? Looking at your overall business plan for the year, are you 1/4 of the way towards your goals?

Take a look at how “the market” has been in your area so far. Is the pace slower or fast than last year? Is overall inventory up or down across the board or are some price points hotter than others?

What’s on your schedule over the next ninety days? Do you have any vacations or out-of-office events or activities that need to be take into consideration when determining your approach? Do you have any listings “coming soon” or buyers ” getting ready to get ready?”

What about your marketing? Are you planning any client appreciation events or neighborhood blitzes? Will you be sending any direct mail pieces to a farm or targeted postcards or flyers to your clients? Have you scheduled that video you’ve been meaning to shoot? When does your next social media ad campaign begin?

Get out the dry-erase board and start drawing up some plays. Take a deep breath and determine what your best plays are for this next part of the game and maximize your chances to be in a good position when halftime gets here. The horn has sounded. It’s time to send your team back onto the floor.

“Hands in,” you say as you look your players in the eye. “Build relationships, solve problems, and have fun on three.”

“One, two, three!”

Photo courtesy of Patrick Fore

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