Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

I saw a great quote this weekend and fittingly, it made me want to write about it. Born over 200 years ago, a famous British poet once said…

One of the pleasures of reading old letters is the knowledge that they need no answer

Lord Byron

I’ve talked about it numerous times here in Carp’s Corner and when I speak to audiences throughout the year, and no one will disagree with me on the power of a hand-written note or letter. Every time I mention it, heads nod, knowing the deep impact a thoughtful note can have on the recipient…and the sender.

If I’m in the office, I try to write 5 notes a day. I always start with a “Thank You” note because those are the easiest to write. I simply ask myself as I sit down at my desk, “Is there anyone from my world yesterday that deserves to be thanked?” If there is, a few heartfelt words of appreciation for the act, task, gesture, or service is put on a card then sealed, stamped, and sent. If there are no “thanks” to give, I don’t overthink it. I go to the next name on my list of relationships and drop them some words from my heart.

How’s life? How’s the job? How’s the family? I like to think of these notes as a conversation taking place from the paper to the person. Are you taking a vacation this year? What’s happening around the house? Any recent changes in your career or industry? What’s the coolest thing you’ve done in the last 3 months?

Admit it, you subconsciously thought of answers to all of those questions, didn’t you? Ask yourself this –Does the ink make them think?

Stop stalling. Do the “write” thing today by grabbing a pen and a piece of stationery, a postcard, or a good old sheet of paper and give someone (a few days from today depending on the speed of your local mail service) an unmatched jolt of energy when they see their own name handwritten on an envelope in their mailbox.

I’m such a firm believer in building relationships, solving problems and having fun that I’m willing to put it into writing. Do it with me this week and you’ll get my stamp of approval.

Photo courtesy of Álvaro Serrano

Photo courtesy of Freddy Castro h

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