Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

 You can’t build relationships in a vacuum. You need to connect with someone in person or online and then slowly, day by day, interaction by interaction, discover those common areas of interest that will help that relationship grow. You listen. You engage. You share. You support.

You can’t solve problems that aren’t even problems in the first place. So many entrepreneurs these days are building apps, products, or companies in a race to have something to sell but haven’t stopped to truly identify who their client is and what problem they’re trying to solve. Have we asked the right questions and truly understood the answers we received when we asked?

Finally, it’s hard to have fun when you’re not seeking to involve others and maximizing your time, energy, and money doing the things you want to do with the people you want to do them with. If something is not fun, find the shortest route to stop what you’re doing and seek a better way.

Wake up each day this week and quickly remind yourself what you’re focused on. If it doesn’t involve building relationships, solving problems and having fun, it’s probably a distraction.

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1 thought on “It’s Probably a Distraction”


Great article and even better message. If it doesn’t inspire you it will drain you. Keep rocking Sean!!!

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