Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

The Polls Are Open

Have you heard that tomorrow is election day? Maybe you’ve heard some talking heads yammering about politics on the television, heard a candidates commercial on the radio or your mailbox has been inundated with campaign postcards filled with promises or pointing fingers?

Are you tired of it yet? Who’s ready to get back to your quiet, everyday life trying to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun?  I know I am.

People are going to vote…or they won’t. Some will vote for the candidates and issues I voted for and others will vote the opposite way. Some will abstain on certain issues or races while others will write-in alternative candidates.

Activity yields Results

In the book The Oz Principle, authors Roger Connors, Tom Smith, and Craig Hickman explore the topic of corporate accountability. I often talk about their Results Pyramid concept in my leadership workshops. In setting up the Pyramid, they define the difference between activity and results.

  • Activity – Actions people take that leads to results
  • Results – The desired or undesired outcomes that result from taking action (or not taking action)

On Election Day, the “activity” of voting (or not voting), will lead to results. Certain candidates will be elected and various issues will pass or not pass. As it is a General Election, each person’s vote only counts as one, so the winners or losers will be determined by all of the voters, with the candidates and issues earning the majority of votes earning the nod.

Are You Ready to Vote on Yourself?

When it comes to your business, it’s not a general election. In most cases, it’s one person’s vote that will determine the results. Yours.

Will you choose to get up when the alarm clock goes off or hit snooze? Remember that activity yields results.

How many phone calls, emails, handwritten notes, or texts will you send this week seeking appointments with potential clients? Remember that activity yields results.

Will you follow-up with that phone call, Internet lead or personal referral or will you wait for them to call you? Remember that activity yields results.

What’s your personal exercise plan? Are you going to set aside some of your future paychecks into your savings account?  Will you jump in and start engaging with your social media connections “on purpose” or are you simply going to automate your relationships? Remember that activity yields results.

The great Canadian rock band Rush was a favorite of many in the 80’s and 90’s. One of their best songs was Freewill. In that song, the lyric goes…

If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. 

So decide what you’re going to take action on this week… or maybe there are some things you need to decide NOT to take action on? Either way, a result will happen. The question is, will it be the result you were hoping for? Remember, activity yields results.

If you want my advice, make sure you choose to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun. That will most likely lead to some very powerful results.

I’m Sean Carpenter and I approve this message.



Photo credit: Element5 Digital

Photo credit: Casey Robertson

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