Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

I’ve always said it so I’ll say it again…

“The best salespeople are the best question askers.”

How often are you building your conversation around questions? Does your prospecting/lead generation revolve around asking people their wants and needs? Are you asking questions at every open house or on “phone duty” that get your customers talking and you listening? Are you determining the urgency and motivation of every buyer and seller you connect with? If not, you might be wasting your time…and theirs.

Think of all the great questions journalists ask to bring us a good story; Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? Can you start becoming an investigative journalist in your daily business to determine the best clients and customers to focus your time, effort and energy on?

Who do you think is the NEXT person to move?

What can I do to help you or your friends?

When do you think you’ll be ready to make the move to your dream home?

(once they answer the previous questions, ask them) Where is your ultimate housing location?

Why are you thinking of selling/buying? This can give great insights into life changes like births, deaths, job promotions or any other inquiries that might occur in the near future.

And then the ultimate CTA (Call to action)… “How can I help you with your real estate needs?”

Take an internal review of your approach to handling clients this week. How much are you responding to people vs. being responsive to people? If you’re focused on building relationships, solving problems, and having fun, maybe your approach changes just enough to be successful?

What are you doing to be more purposeful in your business? Are you building relationships, solving problems, and having fun?

What if you were?


Photo Credit – Photo by Evan Dennis





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