Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
Is It Time for a MidSummer Reset?
This weekend just ended a long run of rounds of golf for me. I’ve had several matches for our club, tee times on the weekends with my regular partners as well as my son, and several events like our Club Championship Tournament. It seems like with the 4th of July “weekend” happening in the middle of the week, I’ve played more than my fair share of golf since July began. It’s time for a break.
The week ahead has me traveling to San Francisco for a real estate conference and when I return I’ll be meeting up with an incoming buyer who is ready to find his new place. The golf clubs might come out next weekend but also could be stored in the garage for a few weeks.
Let me just say, I am okay with this business-imposed sabbatical. I need a break from the clubs, the swing, the pressure and all the mind games that come with the game of golf. I just need to hit CTRL-ALT-DELETE on my golf game for a while.
Is It Time for You to Reboot?
Have you been working hard so far this year? We just surpassed the year’s halfway point last week and the pressure to hit our goals now starts ticking down like sands through the hourglass.
Will you let the pressure mount or will you call that timeout that can pause your brain from moving too quickly …or will it possibly stop the momentum and take you off track for a few days, weeks or even months?
Any vacations planned? Do you have any reasons to unplug from the rigors of your role for a few hours, days, or weeks?
What would your day be like if you didn’t feel the imminent need to check your email, social feed, or inbox? What would your day be like if you could introduce yourself to your spouse or significant other, kids or grandkids? Which of your friends would you love to simply hang out with over breakfast, lunch or cocktails?
Go ahead. Put the clubs away. Skip the sales meeting. Disregard that non-urgent email.
Worry about it next week. I can promise you there will be more relationships to build, problems to solve and fun to be had when you reconnect with the world.