Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

Slow down, you move too fast…

I’ve really been working on my golf swing lately. I wrote about it a few posts ago and the work continues. Today, I finally hit a few “good ones” off the tee. Any golfer reading this knows exactly what I mean;

Smooth tempo. Sweet spot. Slowly rising ball flight. Center of the fairway.

It finally happened when I made myself stop overswinging my club and simply slow it down. It’s amazing how much more in sync the mind, the body and the golf club can be when you stop rushing everything.

Slow down, you move too fast…

In a few days, we’ll have the Summer Solstice. It’s the longest day of the year and after that, the days will start becoming shorter. A few more weeks and we’ll hit the official halfway point of the year and start the downhill run to the end of the year. After the 4th of July it won’t be long until the kids head back to school, football season arrives and, before we know it, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I’m not ready to believe I’ll have kids that are a sophomore in college and a junior in high school.

Slow down, you move to fast…

25 years? Tomorrow is my 25th wedding anniversary with my wife Ronda. I still remember our wedding day like it was yesterday, celebrating and having fun with all of our guests. Some of those guests are no longer with us while many still hold a special place in our lives. It’s hard to believe we were all 25 years younger back then.

Slow down, you move to fast…

Everyone wants to achieve success yesterday. We want to capture new clients and more listings and make sales and attend closings but we just don’t want to have the patience and discipline to do the difficult things every single day. In today’s technology-driven world, we spend time looking for the “Easy Button” instead of being content building relationships, solving problems, and having fun.

Do you want more memorable golf shots? Ready to enjoy each day as they come and not worry about tomorrow until it gets here? Is it time to start working towards that next “happy anniversary”? Could today be the day your consistent focus on the activity finally delivers the results you’ve been seeking?

Maybe this week,  it’s time to slow down and find your groove?


Click here to see the video below


Photo courtesy of Courtney Prather

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