Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

We all know the ramifications of procrastination. We have had it cause negative consequences in our business and personal lives. It has stopped us from accomplishing or achieving things we really wanted or needed to do. In many cases, it has cost us professionally, personally, financially or emotionally. Yet, we continue to fall victim to this menace to society.

Get Up and Run or Sleep In?

Yesterday I chose to sleep in. It was a rare weekend day when I wasn’t on the golf course for an early tee time. You see, yesterday was Mother’s Day, so I skipped golf. I really didn’t have anything on my schedule until after 8 AM, when I had planned to take my mother out for coffee. Then I had to run a few errands to prepare for Mother’s Day dinner here at the house as well as get ready to show some houses for an out-of-town client.  What I should have done is get up when I rolled over and looked at the clock on my dresser the first time, at about 6:45 AM.

This is the seventh year in a row that I am participating in my #EveryDayInMay campaign. It’s a challenge I have with myself to commit to running at least 1 mile every day in May. There a few friends of mine from all over the country who are making the commitment along with me. We put on our running (or walking) shoes each day, pound out our run and then connect via Twitter or text messages to check in for #EDIM. It’s a blend of accountability and support.

Let’s just say, for most of us, if we get our run in first thing in the morning, it makes things a lot easier. On days we push the run until later, so many things can go wrong. Life can get in the way and before you know it, the tweets from fellow participants sharing their personal success start nagging at your conscience like a little kid on a family vacation asking “are we there yet?”…”Are we there yet?”…”Are we there yet?”

And then something else became more important…

Yesterday, when I easily could have had a leisurely run before the day got started, I chose to roll over and sleep a little longer. I drank my coffee and thought to myself, “Maybe I’ll go home after this and run.” Nope.

After running to the store and completing one more errand to finalize my Mother’s Day gift for Ronda, I thought, “Run now, before it gets too hot.” Nope.

As soon as I returned from showing houses all across Northwest Columbus, I could have come home and knocked out a run but I guess it was more important that I watched a few holes of golf on TV and then headed out to cut the grass. Nope. Nope. Nope.

As many of y’all know, I love mowing my yard. It’s one of my favorite things to do so I took my time and made sure the neighbors will be looking at my lawn with jealousy as they head to the office this week.  I even double cut the backyard so my dog Callie would have a comfortable run after dinner.

As I walked in the house, I realized that I still had to grill the salmon filets I had brought home for Mother’s Day dinner, write today’s blog post, pack for my upcoming trip to Montana, record an episode of my podcast, possibly write an offer for my client after today’s successful showings…and run that mile for Every Day in May.

Darn it! Why didn’t I run this morning when I had all the time in the world? I could feel the anxiety, pressure, and frustration building up inside me so I slipped my running shoes on and headed out for a quick mile run in the heat of the day. It was literally the hottest it had been all day. Add to that, I was still sweating and tired from pushing the mower across the lawn for the last hour and really wanted a cold beer. But instead, I ran.

I knocked out Day 13 of Every Day in May. I tweeted out my result while I sweated out my regret. I didn’t feel good, relieved or excited like I usually do after a run. Instead, I felt tired, exhausted and hot. I should have had a few extra minutes to relax by the grill while cooking for the family or sat down and watched a few more holes of the golf tournament on TV but because I knowingly chose to wait for my run, I didn’t get to do what I wanted.

Set Your Alarm

When is your alarm going off tomorrow? What needs to get done today? What’s on your agenda this week? What phone call, follow-up or visit cannot wait? There is someone who just popped into your head as you read that last sentence that needs you to reach out. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today.

Make the call.

Send the email.

Write the report.

Do the thing that needs to be done.

It’s okay if you didn’t start May 1st. Start today and do something Every Day (that’s Left) In May. Stop hitting “snooze” on the things you know you need to do. Get your ass out of bed and start building relationships, solving problems and having fun.







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