Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
They walked in with eyes wide open and no pre-judgment in their minds. They wanted it to be exactly what they were looking for. The ideal hardwood floors, spacious bedrooms, multiple closets, and maybe even an updated kitchen. Of course, they would be dreaming of a charming backyard where they could envision their kids (yet to even be conceived) playing with the unborn children from the next door neighbors who hadn’t moved in yet either.
Sure, we in the real estate business call them “Open Houses,” those two-hour windows where nosy neighbors, fellow Realtors and potential buyers walk through and “check the place out” to see if it might be worth pursuing…but that’s from our point of view. As I hosted my open house today, I tried to see the experience from the viewpoint of every guest that walked through the front door and I realized that for most of them – nosy neighbors excluded – it was less of an Open House and more of a “Hopin’ House.”
“I hope this one has the updates we’re looking for.”
“I hope this one doesn’t have too much wallpaper.”
“I hope this one has room for my (insert home office, work out equipment, pool table, etc)”
“I hope this one doesn’t already have multiple offers.”
Just like looking at items on the sale rack at your local TJ Maxx, Marshalls, or Old Navy, sometimes there are some good things, while other times you have to look at a lot of crap to even find something worth trying on. The same goes for open houses, the homes buyers find online, or the houses that we schedule to show our clients.
Remind them not to get discouraged. Remind them that the right house is out there, waiting for them to make it their home. Ask lots of questions and make sure you listen to their answers. The next house you show them might be the one. If it’s not, go on to the next one…or the next one after that.
Sort of like the shampoo bottle instructions of “Lather, rinse, repeat”, for you it might be “Schedule, show, repeat.”
Hang in there. You’ll find it. It’s just waiting for you to show up.