Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
As we get ready to turn our calendars to August (the 8th month of the year), we all need to realize we still have plenty of time to hit our goals and grab some new business. Instead of sitting back and waiting for that business to find us, reaching out and staying “top of mind” with your sphere of influence is critical. In case the heat and humidity are blocking your creativity, here are 8 Reasons to Stay In Touch with Your Sphere This August…
- Birthdays – It’s the one special day that everyone has at least once a year. What are you doing to reach out and wish them a Happy Birthday?
- Anniversaries – Both wedding anniversaries and home anniversaries are great reasons to reach out and say “hello.” I think your clients will sometimes be surprised at how long they have lived in their current home and who knows, maybe they have been thinking about making a move.
- Back to School – August is the month when most schools start-up for the new school year. Whether its young adults heading off (or back) to college or kids from toddlers to teenagers, reaching out to say good luck might be a nice touch. You could also invite parents out to breakfast now that their schedule might be opening up a bit.
- Any good books or movies this summer? Drop some of your connections a text or ask them on Facebook what they liked in the theatres or on Netflix this summer. Did you read any good books that you could pass along or recommend? People are always looking for something new to check out.
- What vacations do you have between now and the end of the year? You never know if you can pass along some travel tips or help people out when they are away. Maybe someone you know will be in the same cities you’re traveling to later this year or they can pass along some ideas and insights like good restaurants or things to do.
- Market/neighborhood updates – This is an easy one that shows your expertise but also gives people good information on what is happening around their town. Sure, they might not need the information right now but maybe their boss, brother or buddies are ready to buy or their sister, step-mom or softball teammate is thinking about selling?
- Football season – Thank God that August means football season is almost here. Find out now what teams your friends and connections cheer for and support. Make a list and send them congratulations texts or emails after a big win or reach out and console them after a big loss. Maybe even consider hosting a Kickoff Happy Hour or weekly Pigskin Pick-Em Ppool on your blog or Facebook page?
Fall Cleaning Tips – It won’t be long before the cooler fall weather arrives in much of the country. That means screens switch to storm windows, gutters need to be cleaned, and yards might need attention like aeration or fertilization. Check out major brand websites like Home Depot or House Logic for generic ideas or simply Google “Fall Cleaning Tips” (FYI 46,800,000 results showed up) and create your own list to share. You could even create a series of videos sharing your favorite ideas to post on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram.
So what are you going to do to keep in touch with people in your sphere of influence? Do you already do some of these ideas? Is there something else you do that you want to share? I’d love to hear what you’re doing out there to build relationships, solve problems, and have fun.
Photo Credit: MorgueFile July
Photo Credit: Erich Ferdinand via Flickr