Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

 Last week I flew to Des Moines, Iowa and then flew home a few days later from Omaha, Nebraska. All four legs of my flights were rather uneventful, compared to some of the other headline-grabbing events making airline news in the last few weeks.

In three of the four flights, I experienced a little more turbulence than normal, especially on the flights home from Omaha to St Louis and from St Louis to Columbus. Of course, it’s late April in the Midwest so that means there are plenty of thunderstorms and the occasional weather fronts that move through the region at this time of year. These can be known to cause some heavy clouds and windy conditions which can become the ideal conditions for bumpy travel and pockets of turbulence. The two flights home were so bumpy that the pilot never even allowed the flight attendants to get out of their seats and asked the passengers to remain in their seats the entire flight. That doesn’t happen very often.

It was the flight from Columbus to St. Louis to start my trip that caught me by surprise. It was a cloudy, gray day when we departed but as usual, when we burst through the thick clouds a few minutes after takeoff, we were greeted by glorious sunshine and blue skies. As I looked Southward out the window from seat 23A, I set back and turned up the Tom Petty playing through my earbuds because I figured it was going to be smooth sailing all the way until we passed that iconic Gateway Arch and Busch Stadium on our final descent into Lambert Field.

“Ladies and Gentleman, the captain has turned on the “Fasten Seatbelts” sign. Please make sure your seatbelts are secured and remain in your seats. We are experiencing some bumpy air and we want to make sure you and your fellow passengers remain safe.”

It was beautiful outside and we were easily 5,000 feet above the fluffy clouds below. How would we be experiencing turbulence? It looked like it was ideal conditions. You can understand being bumped around when it’s raining or you’re flying through heavy clouds but you could see nothing but blue skies for miles and it seemed so perfect outside.

 Buckle Your Seatbelts, It Might Be Getting Bumpy

How many times have things been going smoothly for you when suddenly, out of nowhere, something happens to startle you back to reality? A transaction that seemed to be headed towards the closing table veers out of control when the appraisal doesn’t match the sales price. The home inspection reveals major structural issues or an unknown problem in the furnace or roof? That star agent in your office stops by to let you know their spouse is taking a job in another city and they will be moving in a few months.

“But it looks so calm and clear outside?”

Don’t be fooled just because there are no problems, challenges or issues now. Enjoy it…but don’t expect it to stay that way for long. Just like the pilot and the connections at Air Traffic Control, stay focused on what’s ahead and be ready to flip that switch to remind you and your passengers (clients & co-workers) that it might be getting a bit bumpy ahead.

In just a few minutes, we’ll be coming around the cabin offering some complimentary beverages but until then, sit back, relax and build relationships, solve problems and have fun.”





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