Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
It’s a brand new week. The counters are clean and you have a full pantry of possibilities available to you. What are you going to make this week?
It’s time for you to…
Make plans. Remember the 4 P’s for Pleasure in your day; Plan, prioritize, perform and play.
Make something happen. Anything.
Make mistakes…because being afraid to make them means you won’t even try anything.
Make hay while the sun shines…and even if it’s cloudy, we both know the sun is up there somewhere.
Make a move.
Make a phone call.
Make an effort.
Make amends with someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Who knows where it might lead?
Make memories.
Make friends.
Make a connection.
Make a name for yourself. Sure, it might not happen this week but it could start this week.
Make a point.
Make a difference.
Make a deal.
Make a video. Seriously….how long have you been planning to shoot the damn video? Just hit record and start talking.
Make a decision.
Make a list.
Make an offer.
Make another phone call.
Make a wish…
It’s time for you to make an impression on your clients, community, and industry because it’s time for you to stop being satisfied simply making a living. It’s time for you to make a killing!
Keep building relationships, solving problems and having fun. After that, make it a great week.
Photo Credit: Andrea Goh via Flickr