Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
The old saying “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” is one of my favorites. In my career, I’ve been both the student and the teacher. It’s about understanding when it’s time to understand. It’s about being ready but not before you’re ready. It’s about seeing things, sometimes before they are even visible.
This past weekend, I had many “lessons” appear right in front of me that might be good reminders for you too.
Walking past this neighbor doing yard work reminded me that when you have a big task ahead of you, sometimes when you cut it down into smaller sections can make it seem easier.
Playing nine-holes of golf with my daughter on Friday afternoon…in 60 degree weather in central Ohio… on February 17th was a great reminder to take advantages of opportunities that appear unexpectedly. It’s also a good idea to not be in such a hurry all the time. Take a time out and be thankful.
Those things you have been meaning do to for a while now…like cleaning the car? It might seem like an overwhelming task and perhaps that’s why you’ve been procrastinating so long, but usually once you get started, it becomes fun and the end result makes you proud of your efforts.
I went on a long walk enjoying along the Scioto River. It was peaceful walking downstream in the warm temperatures so I decided to go a little farther than I usually go. I ended up following ]a foot trail to the edge of the water at the base of Griggs Reservoir where the water above crashes down a 40-foot dam and heads South towards downtown Columbus. The river above was peaceful and quiet, then it suddenly races over the edge and creates a thunderous noise as it splashes down below, creating rapids as it gathers itself and heads along over rocks. Things change in a second but with steadiness and focus on the direction you’re going, calm waters will soon return.
Coming back up from the river’s edge, I climbed the hill and came across this old, limestone staircase. Much like everything else we do, it’s easier to make it to the top when you take things one step at a time.
What images do you see standing between you and success this week? What lessons are right in front of you, waiting for you to understand their meaning? What will help you build relationships, solve problems and have fun this week?