Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

img_1587When I was a kid, I used to love rearranging my bedroom. It was a chance for me to suddenly have a whole new look and feel to my life. It didn’t require new furniture, clothing or accessories. It was simply a chance to move around my bed, dresser, desk, toys, etc. into a whole new look and feel. If nothing else, it led to a cleaned up room.

Last night I helped my son Ryan rearrange his room. I asked him why he wanted to do it and his answer was probably very similar to something I told my parents back when I was a kid; “I’m just looking for something different.”

What Do You Need to Rearrange?

Now is the perfect time to think about making some changes in your business. Does your desk need to be rearranged? Is it time to schedule a new head shot or order some new business cards? Should you make the move from paper & pen to digital schedules or files? Hows that business plan for the new year? Is the same old, same old really going to get you to that next level?

I know it won’t stay clean forever but I am guessing that Ryan will keep his “new room” neat and tidy” for at least a few weeks. If it makes him more likely to get his homework done at his new, clean desk, I’m all for it. What might happen to your business if you got a little more organized, removed the clutter, dusted under the furniture and created a whole new look and feel to your daily “space”?

img_1588Throw away the things that are distracting, wasting your time or taking your focus away from the tasks at hand. Move things around until they feel “right.” Create the space you need to finish the year strong and kick off the new year with good momentum and energy.

And always make sure you have building relationships, solving problems and having fun someplace close by.



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