Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

When you’re in sales, you never really know where you’re next customer is coming from. Of course you want to be proactive and purposeful about your follow-up routines and scheduling activities which will maximize your opportunity to meet new or potential clients.

5167830942_f55b5eeb56_zYou never know which door you knock on will be the next home that needs to sell…so keep knocking.

You never know which caller will be the one who is in need of assistance and advice…so keep asking questions.

You never know which person opening your hand-written notes will be suddenly inspired to do what they’ve been thinking about…so keep writing.

You never know who’s surfing the social channels, just waiting for you, your product or industry to suddenly become “top of mind”…so keep commenting, liking, sharing, favoriting, retweeting or pinning.

You never know which of your friends will say “this is the year I make a move”…so keep calling on their birthday to wish them the best.

You never know who might be looking for advice, guidance or simply a friendly voice…so keep talking to the person next to you at the lunch counter, in line at the grocery store or sitting next to you on the plane.

img_1345You never know how powerful it is to hear your own voice being used by someone…so keep using people’s names.

You never know how impactful a smile or hug could be, especially if given at the right time with no ulterior motive…so be impactful and smile or hug someone.

You never know when a relationship will be beneficial…so keep building relationships.

You never know when life will give you a test…so keep solving problems.

You never know how short life is…so keep having fun.



Photo Credit: Vincent_AF via Flickr

Photo Credit: Sean Carpenter via Camera+



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1 thought on “You Never Know…So Keep Talking”


How true it is…..just keep on doing the things that you know work for you to help others.

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