Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
Thinking back to my youth it was easily one of my least favorite meals. Not that my mother or father was a bad cook, I just wasn’t interested in eating a “loaf” of meat. Had they called it “hamburger in a pan” I might have enjoyed it but, when I was younger, I used to hate meatloaf.
Last night we had meatloaf for dinner. It was served with the traditional mashed potatoes and sliced carrots. Of course there was a bowl of gravy on the side. It was fantastic and I think I had two and a half helpings. Of course the kids were complaining and asking why they couldn’t have something else. My daughter even said that “a loaf of meat” just sounds disgusting. “Slab of steak”, “plate of bacon” or “1/2 pound of ground chuck” would be welcomed but, for some reason, a “meatloaf” doesn’t appeal to the younger palate.
What’s Your Grown Up Meatloaf?
There are lots of things we didn’t like when we were younger, less experienced or in a different role. Many of those things are tools, products or services that we can’t live without now.
- Who really likes cold calling strangers? (I’m tired of getting yelled at before they hang up on me.)
- Open houses can be very successful but no one really enjoys giving up their Sunday afternoons. (It’s just a bunch of nosy neighbors.)
- Farming a neighborhood? (Ain’t nobody got time for that!)
- Following up on those internet leads? (These are simply tire kickers or people looking for a “steal.”)
- Social media? (I can’t compete with the millennials in my office)
- Researching and tracking down expired listings? (No thanks. Too much work for little return.)
- Knocking on FSBO’s doors? (Anyone have any asparagus or eggplant?)
- Practicing scripts and dialogues? (I don’t want to sound rehearsed or too “robotic.”)
- Using technology to demonstrate my marketing skills and understanding? (Why can’t we just use a simple 3-ring binder?)
The fact is all of these “lead generating” methods or ideas can add some welcomed nutrients and energy to your business diet. The question is are you going to keep complaining about what’s being served or are you going to be heading back for seconds?
Fill up your plate this week. Add a few scoops of building relationships, solving problems and having fun while you’re there.
The success you’ll find by keeping your plate filled will simply be the gravy on top.
Photo Credit: Chispeta via Flickr