Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
It’s that time of the year when everyone should be starting to think about their 2017 Business Plans. Some people are probably on their first or second drafts and still tweaking. Maybe you’ve already completed your plan but it’s never too late to review and polish it to perfection.
Here are 26+ things to think about and double-check that you’ve got these concepts covered in your outline for next year’s success.
A – Everything should be focused on APPOINTMENTS. It’s hard to get a client until you’ve scheduled a time to meet with them.
B – BRAINSTORM with anyone who might be affiliated with your business and make sure you’re not leaving anything out that could be beneficial in the long run.
C – Do you have a CALL TO ACTION in all of your marketing pieces or plans? What is it you expect the customers or clients to do?
D – DREAM. It’s okay to shut your eyes and think about what might happen in the new year. In fact, it’s probably better than being realistic.
E – Remember that EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE are not the same thing. How are you building checks & balances into your daily activities to insure you maximize both?
F – If what you’re planning doesn’t include “having FUN“, what makes you think you’re going to be excited to make it happen?
G – Everyone you know most likely knows at least one other person who does what you do. How can you GET CREATIVE and stand out from the crowd?
H – Are you doing things and spending time with people who make you HAPPY? If not, rethink your plan.
I – Knowing what to say at the right time is an acquired skill. Until you are a master of dialogues, you better be good at IMPROV.
J – Can you JUSTIFY the actions you take each day? Are they contributing towards the “end” you have in mind?
K – You can never KNOW too much about your career…
L – …so figure out what you don’t know and LEARN something new every day.
M – One of the things your customers, clients and community will rely on is your MARKET KNOWLEDGE. What is in your plan that adds to your insights and understanding of the local inventory and things that impact it?
N – Who will you NETWORK with to meet more people?
O – Year in and year out, this is something that will make or break your efficiency & effectiveness (See E above). What will you do to stay ORGANIZED?
P – Everything you do should be aimed at “solving PROBLEMS.”
Q – The best salespeople ask the best QUESTIONS. Build your pre-qualification strategies, interviews and presentations around the questions you ask.
R – We are in a RELATIONSHIP business. What are you doing to “build RELATIONSHIPS” with people so you can earn a top-of-mind awareness spot in people’s heads?
S – Remind yourself that SALES is a noble profession. Sales is doing something for somebody, not doing something to somebody. Never feel bad about earning an income for helping your clients make good decisions.
T – The world still appreciates the “old school nature” of face-to-face communication but how can you better leverage TECHNOLOGY to search for, select, secure and satisfy your clients?
U – UNDER promise and over deliver.
V – Have you take the time to create your VISION Board? When you can clearly see where you want to go, your mind begins to help you do the things needed to make it reality.
W – What are the scribbles, drawings and concepts on your WHITEBOARD?
X – Signifies the X ________________ (“Sign Here”) on most documents or contracts. If you can get something signed every day by a customer or client, you’re that much closer to a closing.
Y – Don’t get discouraged by the number of times you hear someone say “no.” You’ve just got to keep asking until you hear a “YES.”
Z – When the competition zigs, you need to ZAG. Fish upstream, be different or do the opposite. Stop following others in 2017. Blaze a new trail and be the leader the world is waiting for.
Look through the list again and ask yourself…”How do I spell success?”