Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
The Difference Between Interest and Commitment
Last month I made the commitment to record and post one video blog (also known as a Vlog) every day in April. I did pretty good and posted a short video about the best part of my day on 29 of the 30 days in April. You can check out the video posts on my YouTube channel here.
For the last 4 years I have made the commitment to run at least one mile every day in May. I did it easily the first three years and gathered a few other people along the way who made the commitment and successfully achieved our goal. Last year I injured my knee and was unable to run every day but did complete at least a one-mile walk for 31 straight days. This year, we embark on the challenge again – run or walk a minimum of one mile each and every day, rain or shine, in May.
What Are You Committed To?
We’ve turned the calendar to May. One third of the year is behind us but there is still plenty of time to make something happen to make this an amazing year. Is there something you were hoping to have made more of a subconscious part of your daily acumen by now? Are those new year’s resolutions ingrained habits by now or are they simply a laughable memory of something you thought you wanted to do back in the winter?
Commitments don’t have to be anything major but they should be something you really want to do and feel comfortable that you have the ability to accomplish it. What is that thing, action or exercise that, if done with confidence, competence and consistency could make a huge difference in your business or personal life?
Visualize doing it each day. Put a physical reminder on your desk calendar or set an alarm on your phone to tickle your memory to make sure it happens. Share your commitment with a family member or friend and ask them to help hold you accountable to completing it. Post a daily tweet when you accomplish the task you were committed to do. Create a hashtag like #DidIt or #CommitmentComplete.
I’m committed to building relationships, solving problems and having fun. How about you? What are you waiting for? They say the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago but the second best time to plant a tree is today. Grab your shovel…you’ve got some digging to do.
Stay committed this week. No excuses…only results.
Photo Credit: Michael Allen via Flickr