Monday Morning Match is a post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

After 10+ years of having an artificial Christmas tree, we finally decided it was time for the real deal. We loaded the family, including Callie the Puppy, into the car and headed 45 minutes North of Columbus to Kilbourne, Ohio for a visit to Dale Tree Farm. We were going to select our 2015 Christmas tree from somewhere across the 40+ acres of rolling farmland.

FamilyUpon arrival, the team at Dale welcomed us to their farm. They gave us a quick overview on the types of trees available, handed us our tree saw and suggested we grab a sled (used for pulling the tree back to the barn when we were done). Finally, they pointed us out into the evergreen oasis…and off we went.

After making our way up and down the rows and rows of trees and narrowing our choices down to 3 or 4, it was time to select the winner and cut it down. As we dragged the tree back to get it measured (price based on size), shaken and netted, I began to think of all the things that Realtor’s could learn from our experience.

What Realtors Can Learn from Christmas Tree Shopping

Know your options. There were five different types of trees available at Dale’s Tree Farm; The Canaan Fir, Fraser Fir, White Pine, Blue Spruce & Scotch Pine. We tried to understand the features and benefits of both. We determined which one was the best option to satisfy our wants and our needs.

When you plan your day, you have to know what are the highest priorities of your time and efforts. Will you focus on business development or business support? How will you spend your time, efforts and money in order to satisfy your wants and needs when it comes to your business?

First Impressions. Some trees just aren’t going to be an option and you know it. Callie and small treeOthers are simply too big or tall to fit the room they will be displayed in when you get home. How are you being judges by the consumer who is out shopping today?

Don’t be in a hurry when you don’t need to be. When you’re going to have to live with a decision, don’t rush into things.

Look at things from all sides. What sometimes looks perfect will suddenly reveal issues or problem areas when you take time to see it from every angle.

Dress appropriately – While you should never be too consumed with how others will judge you, it is easier to perform better when you are comfortable. It was 34 degrees when we left home and barely hovered above 40 when we hit the farm, so staying warm and dry was critical to being able to take out time and find the best option available.

timberNarrow things down – It’s easy to add lots of activities to your daily to do list but it’s harder to prioritize the few tasks that really need to be tackled in order to achieve success. Once you can eliminate the things that don’t fit our needs, you are able to focus on the right things. Finding ways to remove distractions from your day will only allow you more time and energy to complete the most important tasks or activities.

When everyone looks the same, what’s your story? After the first 20 minutes of walking around, many of the trees started looking the same. A few had busy bodies and others had tall points that might be perfect for the topper ornaments that many people use to spotlight the tree. A few we found had bird nests* secluded in their branches, which legend says is good luck and brings good health. In a sea of more than a million Realtors in the United States, what’s the story people see or hear when they find you?

When you stand tall, people notice you. The same things your Mom probably told you when growing up apply to finding the best tree. Don’t slouch. Hold your head up. Stand up straight. When many people are “just looking,” what will you do to be noticed?Riley pulling

Learn to shake off the stuff you don’t need. Before the staff at the Dale Tree Farm wraps the selected trees into the netting, they place the newly harvested tree in a device that shakes the loose needles from the tree. This not only rids the plant of dead, excess or unneeded needles, it helps avoid having these soon-to-be dropped needles on your living room floor. The tree was just as bold and beautiful, even after it lost a few of the needless needles.

How much better do you feel when you shed the negativity, toxic people or things that just seem to hang on you for no added value or need?

There’s no place like home. strapping on the carMuch like bringing a puppy home for the first time, the new Christmas tree will fill a void in your home (or at least a corner that was cleared out for the month of December). As the old saying goes, “a ship in port is safe but that’s not what ships are built for.” The same goes for Christmas trees and Realtors. They look better on display in someone’s home.

As soon as you light up, people will enjoy being around you. Add a single string of lights to a fir, spruce or pine and it magically transforms into a Christmas tree. Personalize it with ornaments and family possessions and it becomes something totally unique.

A genuine smile is sometimes all it takes to attract others to you. Adding a sense of humor, some unique characteristics and an authentic desire to be around others might be all it takes to turn a person into a salesperson.

We all have angels looking down on us. Never forget those little final touches after all the work seems to have been done which is the fitting way to finish things out. It’s the signature move to decorating a tree and often is an heirloom piece that is holds a special meaning when placed upon the highest bow. Don’t we all have those special people or mentors that we consider at the top of the list or we feel are looking down upon us every day? Aren’t we all trying our hardest to make sure what they see when they look down is our best work?

Have a great week building relationships, solving problems and having fun.

…and don’t forget to water the tree!


bird nest



*After getting the tree set up, we discovered a bird nest deep inside against the trunk. Hoping that leads to some good health news for all of us.

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