Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

Connecting the STARS

Sean and KathyThis past weekend the Columbus Realtors celebrated another great yearat their annual President’s Ball. This year it was extra special because the banquet honored my good friend and mentor Kathy Shiflet. I have known Kathy from the very first day I started in this crazy career as she was the unofficial “welcome committee”, counselor and “gotta minute” queen of the office. She was then…and still is 17 years later.

Not only is Kathy a great person and a loyal friend, she is a tremendous Realtor. Her Trustline Partners team is consistently one of the top teams in our company and entire board of Realtors. Kathy’s dedication to and desire for the association to be a great place for Realtors, brokers, affiliates and staff as well as for the members to continue to serve the Central Ohio home buyers and sellers on a daily basis is easy to see. It didn’t surprise anyone involved in our industry that Kathy not only was elected to serve in the leadership roles of the Board for the last 4 years but would be an incredible President this past year.

Kathy’s theme for the year she would serve as President was “Connecting the Stars” and she used the simple acronym S-T-A-R-S to lay out her perfect scenario for our members individually and the Board as a whole:

S – Service

T – Teamwork

A – Attitude

R – Respect

S – Success

12388200_10206445968682594_2089700375_nKathy, on behalf of the entire membership and all of your close friends and co-workers, you absolutely exemplified every one of those letters throughout the year. Congratulations on a successful year and good luck getting back to what you do best.

A Few More Things to Ask…

At last night’s Ball, I was honored and humbled to be asked by Kathy to deliver the invocation before the meal. I took my time and put plenty of thought into the message I wanted to deliver. It had to have the same ideas and desires that Kathy’s theme had throughout the year. I hope the message in the following words might ring true in the heads, the hearts and the future successes of you and all the Carp’s Corner readers today, next week and into the new year.

These are the things we ask for…for the people we love

These are the things we pray for…from the good Lord above


For our leaders and members, affiliates and staff

For our parents and children, partners and teams

May we continue to prosper, and smile and laugh

May we achieve all of our goals and fulfill all of our dreams


For comfortable rest when we are moving too fast

For steady activity when our business is slow

For faith in believing we’re up to the task

For education and guidance when we are needing to grow


For stable ground when we feel shaken and scared

For comfort and warmth for those times we feel cold

For ears willing to listen when we need to be heard

For the right voice to speak up when we need to be told


When we wander and fumble and feel lost and alone

Show us light in the darkness and the path to the clearing

Give us faith in the harvest so our seeds can be sewn

And bring an abundance of hope and a love that’s endearing


For food in a world where many walk in hunger;

For security in a world where many walk in fear;

For the wisdom of the older and the enthusiasms of those younger

For a world starting today that is safe and is clear.


For this…We give you thanks


As always, keep building relationships, solving problems and having fun.


Photo Credit: Margaret Fenters

Photo Credit: Kim Snyder

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