Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
It’s almost time to meet with my boss to share my 2016 goals and what I plan to accomplish in the new year. My guess is you’ve probably been drafting, updating and trying to finalize your business plan and goals for the new year as well.
As you’re looking ahead to the new year that is now just one short month away, are you also staying focused on the last 31 days in 2015 that you have left to achieve this year’s goals? Maybe you’ve already surpassed them and are now on “cruise control” until the meter resets? Perhaps you are working overtime to make sure you squeeze every last result you can out of the year and into the record books before we start fresh in January? Sadly, some of you reading this never set any goals for 2015 and are sitting there now, with your arms crossed defiantly, swearing you won’t set any goals for 2016 either. That’s just not how you work, is it?
16 Questions for a Successful 2016
1. Do you remember why you originally started doing what it is you do?
2. Is your passion, excitement and/or desire for your career (or goals) as strong or stronger than it was when you started?
3. When is your best work done? Mornings? Afternoons? Evenings? Really think about what happens before you unleash your true talents – Is it after a workout or maybe before a vacation or long weekend?
4. Where is your best work done? Do you get more done in your office or at home? Do you work well in public spaces like a coffee shop or library?
“In the acquisition of a new habit we must launch ourselves with a strong and decided initiative as possible. Seize the very first possible opportunity to act in the direction of the habits you aspire to gain”
– William James
5. What are those work habits you need to incorporate into your business next year?
6. What are the habits, tasks or activities that can be removed from your daily regimen because they aren’t delivering the results you expect or need?
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery
7. Can you identify your biggest distractions? Does social media pull your focus away from the task at hand? Does your family commitments or obligations outside of work steal some of your time and attention?
8. Do you operate on a set schedule or do you just do things as they come? How consistent is your daily or weekly routine?
9. Are there any tools or systems that you can acquire or learn that will help you be more effective or efficient in 2016?
10. Is your commitment to accomplish your goals as strong as your desire to accomplish your goals? In other words, are you willing to do the work it will take to get what you want to get? Remember – It’s difficult to delegate your personal goals to someone else.
11. What inspires you? Can you do more of it in 2016?
12. Who inspires you? Can you spend more time with them (in real life or virtually) in 2016?
13. What’s next? What needs to happen in the next week to get you closer to your goal? What needs to happen in the next month? The next quarter?
14. What are you needing in your personal life that will help you achieve more? Rest? Exercise? Financial balance?
15. Who can you count on to support you in your efforts? Is there a coach, mentor or partner that can help offer accountability to do the activities that need to be done?
16. What are you afraid of?
Take some time this week and answer the questions above. Then review your answers and set a plan. Next year can be an amazing ride but it’s best not to wait until it gets here to start making it a success.
Just remember this when you start your plan; building relationships, solving problems and having fun should be at the top of the list.
Photo Credit: Jeremy Bronson via Flickr