Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
The bump seemed to appear out of nowhere. Or was it a growth? How long it had been there, we asked, but he couldn’t give us an answer. He just seemed to realize it was there when he was at baseball practice the other day.
What ever it was protruding from his stomach, my son wasn’t excited when I texted our neighbor who is a doctor at Nationwide Children’s Hospital to ask if he might come take a look.
Ryan started getting very worried, fearing he would need emergency surgery. Was it a hernia like his older sister had a few year before or something worse? He turned pale and started to tear up thinking that, whatever it was, it was the certain end to his promising golf season. We told him to relax and just wait until the doctor came over to see what it might be. He went outside to practice his golf swing in an effort to distract himself from the certain bad news.
As the doctor and Ryan came through the door, they were both smiling and laughing. Ryan had already received his diagnosis in the yard and it wasn’t what he had feared. In fact, it turned out that Ryan was a bit unique in that he has an extra rib. It’s not normal (that’s why it’s considered an “extra rib”) but it’s also not anything to worry about.
You’ve never see a person transform from worrying that he had a terminal disease to thinking he had some superpower quicker than that moment he was diagnosed as slightly different from most people.
There’s Something Inside Us
Have you worried about something recently that turned out to be nothing? Have you been distracted by something that was beyond your control? Do you ever find yourself seeing the 1% negative more clearly than you see the 99% positive?
Maybe this week you’ll realize that there are some pretty amazing superpowers within you too. Whatever it is, it’s what makes you unique. It’s meant to be there.
We all have something inside that allows us to build relationships, solve problems and have fun. We just need to remember it was put there for a reason.
Photo Credit: Aidan Jones via Flickr