Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
I’ve been playing a lot of golf this summer with my kids. They have some summer tournaments this month and they both have try-outs for the school teams in the beginning of August. We’ve tried to maintain a healthy balance of having fun on the course while also taking each round seriously and trying our best to score well.
For those who have never played the game of golf, I need to make this simple disclaimer:
Golf isn’t easy.
I’ve been playing golf for over 35 years. Even though I once was a very good golfer, now I am just a fairly “better than average” player who carries a 9 handicap. The game still frustrates me immensely. Even though I KNOW what to do, sometimes I just can’t EXECUTE the shot. When those bad shots happen, I sometimes show my anger or voice my frustration. And then I look up and realize my children are watching me.
They see me crinkle my face in disgust at a missed putt. They hear me curse or slam my club back in my bag after a misdirected shot. They’re watching me when I sulk back to the cart after a poor tee shot.
I am starting to realize that some of the best instruction I can give them is to be an example of someone who lets the bad shots go, doesn’t put too much pressure on himself to “hit it perfect” every time and a golfer who realizes that it’s just a game.
Of course I want them each to become great golfers…if they want to be great golfers. More importantly though, I want them to enjoy the game of golf – the sport, the scenery, the companionship. The simplicity of an individual playing against no one else but the course itself.
Different every single day. A new challenge. A blank scorecard and an open fairway ahead.
“Keep your sense of humor. There’s enough stress in the rest of your life to let bad shots ruin a game you’re supposed to enjoy.”
– Amy Alcott
Who’s Watching You?
Do you have any eyes on you this week? Children who are more prone to “do as you do” instead of “doing what you say”? Workers who report to you as their boss who watch you in times of pressure to see how you handle it, react or simply decide the next course of action. Customers who are looking at your reaction when the offer comes in low or the home inspection report reveals some needed repairs?
Will you crack under the pressure in your next negotiation or the next time a potential Seller asks you to reduce your commission? Are you market savvy and tech savvy enough to impress that next client who needs help navigating today’s intense real estate market?
What will they see? Anxiety, anger and frustration? Or will they see you building relationships, solving problems and having fun.
Choose wisely because they’re watching.