Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
It’s the season of graduations. That used to mean college and high school graduations but these days it seems our society is all about awards, recognition and finding reasons for parents and grandparents to show their support of their children so now we also have graduation ceremonies for kindergarten, elementary school and middle school.
As summer is right around the corner and these students will be heading on to their next big endeavors, Carp’s Corner would like to deliver some thoughts to all these groups of graduates.
To the Class of 2027 – As you leave kindergarten and head to 1st grade, you’re going to be in school all day starting in the fall. No more half days of finger paint and story time. Rest up this summer kiddos because there’s no more nap time for the next 12 years.
To the Class of 2022 – You’re leaving elementary school and heading off to middle school. That means you will be changing classes all day long and you will actually start having to do homework. Don’t wait until 7 pm to remember the assignment that’s due tomorrow or to let Mom know you’re supposed to bring something for Food Day half an hour before the school bus picks you up.
To the Class of 2019 – You’re not really a “kid” any more. It’s time to start making good decisions. Your parents, teachers and community leaders will have high expectations of you and they should. Start thinking about what you want to do after you graduate from high school because it will get here before you know it. The hard work and effort you put in today will definitely help you tomorrow. And remember…nobody likes a bully. Just be nice to people.
To the Classes of 2015 – both high school, colleges and universities around the nation…
“I stand before you today to say congratulations. You made it to the end…well, really it’s the beginning. That’s why we call it a “Commencement Ceremony.” You aren’t done with anything, you’re actually just beginning. You literally have your entire life ahead of you. My best advice to you is to keep it simple, just like the first lesson you remember back in kindergarten – your ABC’s.
A – Appreciate what you have for you can be assured that someone, somewhere has less. Appreciate the people who have cared about you up to this point in your life – parents, grandparents, teachers and friends. Someone once said “a person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.” Help people do more than what is expected.
B – Build relationships. The friends you make in high school and college may be in your lives forever but it’s always great to have a large group of people who might be able to help you as you go through life.
C – Creativity. You weren’t put on this earth to be like someone else. Your canvas in blank. Grab your markers or paintbrushes and start making the artwork of your life.
D – Dream.
E – Entrepreneur. Be the proud owner of You, Inc., no matter who signs your paycheck.
F – Failure. You’re going to encounter it throughout your life, but your ability to get up after you’ve been knocked down will determine your success. Remember, failure is not the opposite of success…it’s part of it.
G – The Golden Rule is really the only rule of life you need to remember.
H – Have fun.
I – Influence. You won’t know when, you won’t know who, you won’t know where and you won’t know how…but you will be an influence in someone else’s life. Accept that responsibility with excitement and enthusiasm.
J – Joy. Find out what brings you joy and do more of that. Find out who brings you joy and spend more time with those people. Discover where you find joy and make reasons to be there.
K – Kindness. “No act of kindness is ever wasted.” – Aesop
L – Learn. Don’t stop now just because you think you’ve reached the finish line.
“Life itself is your teacher and you are in a state of constant learning” – Bruce Lee
M – Manners matter. Never forget to say “please” and “thank you.” Wait your turn. Raise your hand. Don’t interrupt. Look people in the eye.
N – Never give up. Think of how many times you didn’t think you were going to make it this far…yet you did. [Never say “never” either except when you’re talking about giving up. Then it’s okay]
O – Opportunity. Don’t wait for them, go find them.
P – Patience. You have the rest of your life ahead of you. Success and happiness might not be there tomorrow but if you focus on activities and not results, soon the results you seek will be there.
Q – Quiet. Every once in a while, turn off the noise around you and relax with your thoughts. Our world is getting busier and louder every day yet sometimes the answers we are seeking will speak to us when it is silent.
R – Risk. A life without risk is a life no one wants to hear about when it’s over. Be smart but remember that “great successes never come without risk.” (Flavius Josephus)
S – Solve problems. This is what you’ll be doing for the rest of your life. Every day will present problems you’ll need to solve so don’t look at that as a challenge, instead realize it gives you something to do.
T – Trust. Start earning it from everyone you encounter with your confidence, competence and consistency in everything you do.
U – Embrace your Uniqueness
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest accomplishment.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
V – Values. Figure out what yours are and then never compromise them or apologize for them.
W – Why? It’s the one question that children never stop asking…until they grow up and think they are supposed to know everything. Be more like the curious child and less like the fearful adult. Ask “why” as a student of life, not as a “victim” of life.
X – Congratulations. You’re done with school. You don’t need to “solve for X” anymore. Each day that goes by you’ll realize how much you learned that you’ll never use again…but the memories you created while learning it will be something you’ll never forget.
Y – Youth. You’ll never be as young as you are today so enjoy it and savor every experience.
Z – ZZZZZZZ. Get plenty of sleep. There’s a world out there waiting for you to make an impact. Go be awesome.
Graduation Photo Credit: John Walker via Flickr