Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
It’s all about choices.
Who do you listen to? How focused do you need to be for the next 15 minutes, hour or extended time frame? Can you switch my attention back and forth from one style to the next? Does it make sense to invest some money so you can avoid the distractions that might get you off track? You want to remember the good stuff and make sure the bad stuff doesn’t make it into your thought process. Your tastes might change from one hour to the next or you could stay loyal to just a few.
Yeah, I’m talking about Pandora Internet Radio, a music streaming and automated music recommendation service powered by the Music Genome Project. You might use Spotify…or IHeartRadio…or your iTunes shuffle.
But I could just as easily be talking about the choices you have to make each and every day. What you listen to every day can really impact your results. Start tuning out the noise that doesn’t suit your ear and adding some “stations” that will help you find your groove this week.
I always think Building Relationships, Solving Problems and Having Fun sound pretty good…but your tastes might vary.
Photo Credit: Victor Pineda via Flickr