Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

HHI 2015Vacation is as much a destination as it is a frame of mind.

We arrived on the island yesterday for our family vacation and it’s been overcast and raining the entire time.  It’s not ideal but things certainly could be worse. However unless you’re traveling to the Amazon Rain Forest or Seattle, I’m guessing that non-stop rain might put a damper on most people’s fun but I want to tell you…it doesn’t have to.

The weather shouldn’t determine whether you have fun on vacation or not. Here are 10 ways to remind yourself the benefits of vacation – rain or shine.

  1. You’re not at work so who really cares? (This might be the only reason most people need)
  1. Who says you can’t golf in the rain? If there is no lightning, you can play. Plus – if it’s raining you now have an excuse for a bad score.
  1. Why can’t you swim when it’s raining? Once again, if there’s no lightning, you’re good to go. You’re going to get wet anyway. It’s never too sunny to sun bathe, is it?
  1. There are plenty of new restaurants that don’t have the same menu as the restaurants back home. Note: if you’re eating any place you could get back home you need to be a little more adventurous.
  1. Cracking a beer, enjoying a cocktail or smoking a cigar before 2 pm will not involve a memo from HR or get Angela in accounting gossiping again.
  1. Showering after noon isn’t frowned upon.
  1. Appetizers AND dessert? At the same meal! Why thank you…don’t mind if I do.
  1. You’ve already paid to be there so you have a choice – bitch about it or enjoy it. Mother Nature doesn’t do refunds.
  1. If it was perfect all the time, you would start taking perfect days for granted.
  1. No rain, no rainbows.Hilton Head

Remember, “the work will wait while you enjoy the rainbow but the rainbow won’t wait while you do the work.”

You want 3 more things you can do this week…rain or shine? On vacation or stuck at work? Build relationships, solve problems and have fun.




Photo Credit: Sean Carpenter, filtered w Camera+

Photo Credit: Hilton Head Island Visitor and Convention Bureau


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