Monday Morning Match is a post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
The Greatest Show on Earth
Last week when I was visiting the Coldwell Banker team in Southwest Florida, my hosts Sue & Woody Wolverton took me to the circus. In case you didn’t know, the Sarasota area is known as the “Circus Capital of the World” and has a long tradition of supporting the circus going all the way back to the 1920’s when John Ringling moved his circus winter headquarters to the area.
This year’s show was called Circus Sarasota presents Fearless and featured high wire artist Nik Wallenda and the famous Wallenda family of acrobats, daredevils and performers. It was an amazing evening of entertainment and skill that truly had me and the rest of the audience sitting on the edge of our seats. It also had me thinking of all the simple lessons that Realtors can learn from the circus.
What Realtors Can Learn from the Circus
1. The Center of Attention – When the performer steps into the center of the circus ring, all eyes are on them. Two spotlights anchored high above the action shine down and every sees all of their moves. When you put yourself at the center of a real estate transaction, your audience (i.e. clients) are expecting you to perform like a star.
2. Master of Ceremonies – Every circus has a host for the show. This person serves as the guide during the entirety of the event. They introduce the people who will be appearing during the show and help transition from one part of the experience to the next. How can you insure that your “audience” listens to your narration and understands what is happening along the way?
3. Jugglers Make It Look Easy – Have you ever tried to juggle? It’s a lot harder than it looks. It’s a mixture of timing, accuracy and showmanship and it requires a short memory when something drops. Most Realtors have a lot of things going on at once in their daily routine. When something drops, are you making a big deal of it or do you pick up the pieces and move on. Toss, focus, catch.
4. Harness Your Momentum – Aerial artists are amazing to watch. These performers who hang, glide and soar using nothing but ropes suspended from above make it look easy but everyone knows that one slip or loss of concentration could be deadly. After getting a firm grip on the ropes, they accelerate around the ring, eventually lifting off the ground. As the momentum of their bodies has them circling high above the floor they are free to begin their gyrations, flips and spins. Having a well-thought out plan ahead of time helps makes things seem smooth when everything is moving quickly. Knowing that your audience might be nervous or even fearful of the “falls” that could occur, how can you make sure you have a firm grip on the situation at all times?
5. Spin Those Plates – One of my favorite performances was the guy who spun the plates. It requires a systematic approach to get the plates spinning and timing is absolutely critical. For most Realtors, starting the plates spinning isn’t the issue; keeping them spinning is. Today you’re calling your sphere of influence and tomorrow you’re knocking on doors of a For Sale By Owner. Then you’re focused on social media only to have your attention turn to the open house you’re planning to hold this weekend. Having a routine to “touch” all of these activities on a regular basis is the key to making sure none of them come crashing down. If they do, you not only have to get them spinning again but you might have a big mess to clean up as well.
6. Find Your Balance – Balance doesn’t just happen, especially when it involves multiple people. Watching two people work together to lift, balance and support each other, it was obvious that it took a tremendous of strength, practice and trust. Who are you using as your support system and do you have the strength, practice and trust in them to do what you want, when you want it? True balance in life means that you support others as often as you are being lifted.
7. It’s Okay to Hog the Attention – Have you ever seen trained pigs? Neither had I until 5 pigs waddled into the circus ring. The audience smiled and cheered these animals as they engaged in tricks you would expect from a dog but were genuinely shocked to see attempted by an animal that will never be accused of being agile. It doesn’t matter your size or perceived skill level, doing something repetitive and making it look easy will earn you a reward every time.
8. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously – While Circus Sarasota didn’t have the typical clowns you might see at a nationally touring 3-ring circus that travels the country, there was Ronaldo. He had several interludes with the audience including one where he grabbed 4 unsuspecting members of the audience to help him with a skit. One of the people he grabbed was my friend Sue, who willingly followed him into the ring. They were going to be acting out a movie of a bullfight and each of the volunteers had a specific role to act out. Many times in our business we are thrust into the spotlight and we have a choice. We can have fun with our opportunity or we can worry about what others will think. Trust me when I say that more people are hoping you choose the former because when you enjoy what you’re doing, those around you will too. Bravo Sue! Bravo!
Click here if you don’t see the video above
9. One Step at a Time – The show culminated with Nik Wallenda and his family of high wire walkers entertaining the sold out audience from 50 feet above the floor of the circus tent. After several back and forths across the wire using different techniques and tools, the family attempted an unfathomable 7-person pyramid. 4 walkers on the bottom holding two more people on top of a wire harnessed between their shoulders and then those two, holding another harness between their shoulders, with the 7th performer on top…in a chair…balanced on the wire. And that 7th performer? Nik Wallenda’s mother (and granddaughter of the famous Karl Wallenda). They were able to accomplish this feat with concentration, practice, trust and a simple formula that anyone in any business can remember: just put one foot in front of the other. Sure, you have to know where you want to go but getting there requires you to start taking steps in that direction.
10. Stay Connected to You Fans – After all the performers enjoyed a final curtain call and thunderous applause and standing ovation from the audience, they made their way from the circus ring to the outer portions of the tented arena to meet and greet with their fans. Autographs, photographs, handshakes and high-fives were available as the patrons made their way to their cars. It was an opportunity to continue marketing the performers and Circus Sarasota (performers were autographing programs that were available for purchase) as well as put a human connection between the business and the client. This simple gesture took down the imaginary curtain that existed between the audience and the talent during the show. As the guests were thanking the performers for their efforts, the performers were thanking the people for their support.
“Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls…”
Are you ready to get in the ring? Do you have the confidence to get out in the spotlight and amaze the customers and clients you have the chance to entertain? Will your knowledge and practice make things seem easier than they really are?
If you’re looking for the best three rings to help you take your business to the big top, look no further. Start building relationships, solving problems and having fun.
Just don’t forget the cotton candy.