5311059950_6da084de1c_zWelcome to 2015.

Are you ready to do something amazing over the next 12 months? Try focusing on these ideas to make this year the best ever.

1. Have a V15SION for what you want to sell, earn, do and accomplish.

2. Create a M15SION of what you will do each day, week and month to make those things happen.

3. Be a REAL15T about what might happen but don’t let that hold you back. Set big goals that will make you stretch each and every day.

4. Review your H15TORY of what you’ve done in the past so you can better plan for the year ahead. Where have you had the most success? What months have you struggled? How should you be spending your money to make sure your business remains steady throughout the year?

5. Make a L15T each day of the things you need to get done. Be sure to prioritize the items you put on your list so you can make sure the most important things are at the top. There are not many better feelings than being able to check off your completed items each day.

6. Look for opportunities to D15RUPT your industry or market. Stop settling in to the status quo. Break out of that comfort zone. What can you do that’s new, different or better? What will it take for people to say “Wow! I’ve never seen that before”?

7. To do things that are outside the everyday routine, you might need to take some R15KS. Go big or go home, right? Just remember this simple rule; if you wouldn’t want your spouse or Mom to know about it, it’s probably not worth doing.5196050985_de46d48d57_z

8. Remember the legend of S15YPHUS. No matter how hard things get, keep pushing that rock.

9. Be more DEC15IVE in the new year. The actions you take (or don’t take) lead to the results you get (or don’t get).

10. WH15PER to yourself all the time. Use affirmations when things are good and when things get tough. Make this the year your inner voice becomes your ally, not your enemy.

11. WH15TLE WHILE YOU WORK. Bring enthusiasm to everything you do. In fact, bring so much that you don’t mind sharing it with others. If you can’t do that every day, maybe you need to rethink why you are going through the hassle in the first place.

12. D15COVER what makes you different from all the others. What’s going to be your calling card this year? How are people going to remember you?

13. Seek people who can encourage you, challenge you and inspire you but remember that their W15DOM only means something if you do something with it.

14. L15TEN. In most cases the best sales people in the world are simply the best listeners. Once you ask the right questions and get other people talking, just shut up and wait for them to tell you want they want or need.

15. Look for opportunities to RA15E THE BAR in your service, your follow-up, your commitment and your attitude. This means your business, your community, your health and your family. Just remember what the airlines say…put your own mask on first before trying to assist others.

May your year be filled with opportunities to build relationships, solve problems and have fun.

Happy New Year



Photo Credit: Lel4nd via Flickr

Photo Credit: Vintagedept via Flickr

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