"Monday Morning Match"Monday Morning Match is a quick post – maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea – intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

It’s time for the kids to start heading back to school…if they haven’t already. That means summer is coming to a close and it’s time for the students to get back to work. The time for getting ready to get ready ends the night before the first day of classes. Everyone who’s been in school before knows the importance of getting off to a great start in order to achieve your goals and get good grades.

Soon homework will begin as will extra curricular activities like sports, band and any scholastic club students might be involved with. In fact, many of the sports teams and band participants have been practicing for weeks so they can take advantage of the longer days.

In what seems like the blink of an eye, final exams will be here and the holiday break will be signaling the end of the year. As mid-term grades are posted, no one wants to think how much different the results would be if they had maintained a better focus at the beginning of the year.

8363631982_737da3e6fdGeesh, when you think about it, there’s not much difference between students and Realtors, is there? Realtors may not get an official summer break and we don’t get recess but every year is always a great learning experience. So get your best outfit laid out along with your new pair of shoes, sharpened pencils and clean notebooks.

The bell is about to ring which means it’s time for building relationships, solving problems and having fun.





Photo Credit: Derek Gavey

Photo Credit: Randy Heinz






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